The Importance of Having Wisdom in Your Life

It is important to have wisdom on a day by day basis. There are three Greek words for wisdom:
  • Sophia - future wisdom - to set goals
  • Phronesis - understanding, and wisdom to do practical things
  • Sunesis - the ability to put two and two together     
There are over 255 references to wisdom in the Bible and we all need it for life, business, ministry, marriage, children raising, and daily relationships.

Ten steps to gain godly wisdom
1. Fear (reverence) God - Psalm 111:10
2. Please God - Ecclesiastes 2:26
3. Hear God - Proverbs 2:6
4. Look to God - Proverbs 3:13
5. Choose God's way - Proverbs 8:10,11
6. Be humble before God - Proverbs 11:2
7. Take God's advice - Proverbs 13:10
8. Receive God's correction - Proverbs 29:15
9. Pray to God - Ephesians 1:17
10. Know the Son of God - I Corinthians 1:30 

Here are a few benefits of wisdom

Happy is the man that finds wisdom - Proverbs 3:13
A wise man is strong - Proverbs 24:5, Job 12:13
Wisdom and knowledge is the stability of our times - Isaiah 33:6
Wisdom and mighty works - Matthew 13:54
Those who are wise their house will stand - Matthew 7:24-27
Wisdom is better than gold and rubies - Proverbs 16:16, 8:11


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