I remember when I had my 79th birthday and could hardly remember that wasn't possible.
Then the next event was my husband and I had our 58th wedding anniversary. I had to wrap my mind around these two events. I could have cried and felt that was not possible. instead of getting sad about that birthday, I decided to be thankful for those wonderful years. We did a lot of reminiscing of those wonderful years. I decided to be glad and not sad. We have a choice of what we are doing in the years God has for us. We love to visit the widow ladies and other couples that are not able to get out and about. Not too long ago we visited a precious couple we have known for several years. When we asked them if we stop by for a visit they they would love that as they never get company. How sad it that!!
I encourage you to get out of yourself and reach out to other senior adults. often seniors feel left out and that they are old news. If only they would listen!
I will continue to share with you some other information on senior living.
I will enclose some wonderful scriptures you can speak over yourself on a daily basis.
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