Hunger is a Good Thing

This spring a robin decided to build a nest in a small tree that is at the end of my patio. She now has three hungry little baby robins that are poking their heads out of the nest with beaks wide open waiting for mommy bird to find some food and bring it back and plop it into their mouths. Watching the progress of this little bird family has become one of our family's pastimes. Watching those little birds with their heads up high out of the nest and beaks wide open made me think about hunger. Hunger is experiencing a desire or need for food. 

These little birds are hungry
In physical hunger, we can eat nutritious food or junk food. Often when we are in the hustle and bustle of life we will settle for less than what is good for our body.  There are a lot of companies, restaurants, grocery stores all trying to get us to eat their products. Have you ever craved a certain type of food? Here are some of my favorite foods and beverages.

One of my favorite Mexican dishes is chicken quesadillas.

I enjoy coffee in the morning and late afternoon
I love fresh fruit

And chocolate is good any time of day

There is another kind of hunger called spiritual hunger. Psalm 34:8 - "Taste and see that the Lord is good." We are a three-part being, we live in the body, we have a soul which is our mind, will, and emotions and we are a spirit. When it comes to spiritual hunger we have to be careful that we don't settle for spiritual snacks now and then. We are to hunger and thirst after righteousness. 
  • Matthew 5:6 - "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."

  • Luke 6:21 - "Blessed are those who hunger now, for you shall be filled."

The only way to be satisfied and content in life is to have a spiritual hunger for the things of God. We have to make a decision to keep ourselves filled with the word of God, prayer, fellowship with other believers, share our faith and serve others. If we do these things we will truly be satisfied and filled.

Until next time remember most of life is everyday!


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