
Showing posts from 2024

Here are a few things you can do to bless other seniors. for some it might be a phone call or a home visit. but if you put aside your issues and make a visit to a senior reach other seniors you may find yourself helping others that need and encouraging word.

Look forward to hearing your Senior years. some may have some tips for seniors

Things I have discovered in my senior years. I have been thankful for many years of health and and wholeness

Senior Living is not for sissies

Thank you for being willing to continue to view my blog I was having some problem with my knee and eventual

Time goes fast when you are enjoying life.

When my husband is waiting for something, he will say. "This two will pass." If you have a problem waiting on situations I would encourage you to say his

My husband would use this saying when situations would come our say. He would say "This two will pass.

life happens.

Winter in 0klahoma

Most of life is Every day

Most of Life is Everyday

Most of Life is Everyday.

Senior Living is not for cissies

Most of life is everyday.

Most of Life Is Everday

Good by Christmas decor and beautiful tree.

new year new goals