Ready or Not Here it Comes - 2014
Setting new goals are also part of my new year and reviewing the ones I had previously set. I didn't reach all my 2013 goals but I did reach some of them. 2013 also threw me some curve balls that I didn't plan or expect but I moved forward regardless of those life circumstances.
I shared with someone recently that often in life it boils down to being less detailed and complex in our life and just letting our goals revolve around our faith, family, and friends. So this year that is how I am setting my goals.
I am a born again, spirit filled believer and know the importance of reading God's Word daily, prayer, being a member of the local church and serving others. Here are a few ways I can strengthen my faith.
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Another goal I have is to not hold on to offense and to be a forgiver. Matthew 6:14-15
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To be a wife according to Ephesians 5:33 and Proverbs 31:11-12- To respect and reverence my husband. To notice, regard, honor, prefer, love and admire his exceedingly. To comfort and encourage and do him only good as long as there is life in me. To walk in love with my husband, esteeming and delighting in him.
To be a mother to my daughters to love, encourage, respect, and believe in them. To allow them to be the wives and mothers that we raised them to be. To remember that I am no longer their supervisor but only their adviser when asked. To pray for my daughters and their husbands to find God's plan for their family.
To be a respectful mother-in-law to my son-in-laws. To be thankful that they love my daughters and take such good care of them and my grandchildren. To never be an object of a mother-in-law joke.
To my grandchildren I want to always be that fun place to go where they can eat more treats than they can at their home. To always have a listening ear as they open up to share what is going on in their life, to be willing to play Barbies, Legos or army guys at a drop of a hat.
To my siblings, sister-in-laws, nieces, great nieces, and cousins I want to always have them know I love them and always here for them.
To always remember that friendships are special gifts in our life. To go the extra mile when someone needs a listening ear or a time to visit over a cup of coffee. To reach out to those in my sphere of influence, where I live, work, shop, and go about my day. To be a light to those in darkness and salt to those who need a cool cup of water. Mark 12:31 - "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
When I reviewed these goals for 2014 I realize that for this season of my life it is better to just keep it simple!
Happy New Year |
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