Baby Steps Can be Taken at Any Age

My youngest grandson Finnley is starting to walk and it is so fun to see how he moves step by step and then loses his balance and plops down on his behind. Each day he gets braver and takes a few more steps and eventually he will not only be walking but also running.

I thought about how we all start with baby steps in different areas of our life. I had used a typewriter for 30 years in the business work. In 1994 I was sitting in my office minding my own business and this contraption was delivered to my office called a computer! I found it very intimidating so my husband signed us up for classes to learn the basis.  I was lost most of the times and several steps behind everyone else in the class but the day came I decided that if I couldn't fight it I would join it and I entered the work of modern technology. I am still a novice in many ways but I can navigate around enough to do emails, Word documents, Facebook post with pictures, Pinterest, and blog.  My folders are a mess and my pictures are not categorized but I manage.

Another area I started with baby steps is in using my teaching gift in the ministry. I started with outlining the weekly sermons to use in our small group ministry.

The day came when I was asked to teach in our Bible school. It was three days a week, one hour classes and I had to write the curriculum. The first year I taught Old Testament Survey. The next year I was asked to teach New Testament Survey and wrote that curriculum. I continued teaching Old & New Testament for 6 more years.  I also taught the book of John, Avoiding Deception, and Discipleship Principles.

My next step was to move to the area of writing.  I helped my husband write a training manual for the small group ministry at our church. I next wrote  a 12 week discipleship program for women called Victory by Virtue and a Women's Encounter manual. This material is being used in women's prisons, churches in many states and on the mission field.  I didn't know when I took those baby steps to write the curriculum for Victory by Virtue that it would be instrumental in helping to save my daughter and son-in-laws marriage and it was also the teaching that set my other daughter free of panic attacks that she had for years. 

All this started with my baby steps of writing a three point outline of the weekly sermon and three discussion questions! The word of God said to not despise small beginnings. Job 8:7 - "Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would increase abundantly."

Are there some ideas, dreams and visions you have but have not yet taken the "baby steps" to move forward to bring them to pass? I want to encourage you it it never to late to begin taking those steps to fulfill the dreams God has put in your heart! Remember baby steps can be taken at any age!


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