Antidote for Weariness, Tiredness, and Fatigue

In this day and age, I see a lot of people who are weary, tired, and fatigued. God's word gives us an antidote for this condition.

This scripture, tells us to not faint. Fainting is a loss of vital power and to be weary. It is often caused by fear, anxiety, lack of trust, lack of spiritual growth, and looking at circumstances.

There are several reasons for weariness and fatigue:
  • Physical tiredness.
  • Exhaustion and grouping of crisis.
  • Seeing too much evil and wickedness.
  • Seeing believers have problems.
  • Lack of spiritual leadership.
  • When spiritual needs are not met.
  • Being around negative people.

Antidotes to prevent weariness and fatigue:
  • Prayer - Luke 18:1
  • God's Mercy - 2 Corinthians 4:1
  • Looking to Jesus - Hebrews 12:3
  • Believing in God's goodness - Psalm 27:13
  • Remembering God's past blessings - Jonah 2:7
  • Patience - Revelations 2:3
  • Hope in God's Word - Psalm 119:81 
 Scriptures to keep you strong in your faith: 
  • Psalm 138:3
  • Nehemiah 8:10
  • Nehemiah 2:18
  • Philippians 4:13
  • Zechariah 10:12


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