How to Handle Multiple Life Changes Within a Short Timeframe

This year has brought many life changes in our family. Sometimes when you are in the middle of change you don't always realize how it is affecting you.

I am a very positive and healthy person and didn't realize that multiple life changes in a short time frame were causing me health issues.

One day my daughter called me and said she thought I was stressed. Well, I didn't agree with her and said something like, "I am too blessed to be stressed."

I was praying about her comment and realized that there had been six major life changes in our family in only four months! They were all out of my control and I needed to accept them and move on with my life.

Joyce Meyer wrote a book "Power Thoughts" and she had so many wonderful tips and thoughts on this. Here are a few tips she had.

Our thoughts affect our relationships, our self-image, our finances, our health (physical, emotional, and spiritual). our productivity at work and at home, the way we manage our time, our priorities, and our ability to enjoy life 

Rule #1 Maintain the right attitude when the going gets rough. 
Rule #2 Realize the rough times won't last forever.
Rule #3 Don't make major decisions during a storm.

Positive thinking releases the power of potential.
Positive thinking encourages positive responses.
Positive thinking keeps things in perspective.
Positive thinking helps you enjoy life. 

I feel that through my daughter's comment and this book I am definitely back on track with being an optimistic person.

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