Easter past and Easter present

Easter Past:
I grew up in a small town in Michigan. I can remember that on Good Friday all of us were allowed to attend our church service from noon until 3 pm. My pastor in the Methodist church always had a sermon on the last words that Jesus spoke.
On Easter Sunday we had an early sunrise service and I remember sometimes being very chilly in my new Easter outfits, hat, and white shoes. After the sunrise service, we would attend an Easter breakfast in the church basement. When we got home there was an additional meal with extended family at my grandparents' home. The younger children had an Easter egg hunt and we all ate too much and the younger kids were on sugar highs. Those were fun memories.
Easter Present:
We carried on some of the same traditions in our family when got married, and had our own children. I have a picture of my two daughters and me with our Easter outfits heading to church. We would decorate Easter eggs for the girls to find. My husband's job required us to move several times so we didn't always have family nearby but the four of us still celebrated the Easter weekend and often invited friends to join us.
When grandchildren came along we were close to family once again and had so much fun decorating Easter eggs and having them find them in the backyard. I would prepare the entire meal for up to 20+ people. The day came when my daughters said we should make a menu and let everyone volunteer to bring a dish. Often after dinner, there would be games to play and lots of conversations.
In the evening we watched our Victory Church Easter Production services and received communion.
This year we had an Easter lunch with my daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren. Had some wonderful conversation with the fam!
Well at the end of the day and all is well with my soul!!
We carried on some of the same traditions in our family when got married, and had our own children. I have a picture of my two daughters and me with our Easter outfits heading to church. We would decorate Easter eggs for the girls to find. My husband's job required us to move several times so we didn't always have family nearby but the four of us still celebrated the Easter weekend and often invited friends to join us.
When grandchildren came along we were close to family once again and had so much fun decorating Easter eggs and having them find them in the backyard. I would prepare the entire meal for up to 20+ people. The day came when my daughters said we should make a menu and let everyone volunteer to bring a dish. Often after dinner, there would be games to play and lots of conversations.
In the evening we watched our Victory Church Easter Production services and received communion.
This year we had an Easter lunch with my daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren. Had some wonderful conversation with the fam!
Well at the end of the day and all is well with my soul!!
PS The month of April is special to me as I asked Jesus into my heart to be my Lord and Savior on April 14, 1970. I am forever grateful for Resurrection Sunday!!
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