Seven Words that Changed my Day

I have a tendency to fill my day too full and then wonder why I can't get it all done. Busyness is definitely something I have seen not only in myself but others. Being a Type A personality I thrive on projects. I am also a very detailed and perfectionist type of person. So add all that up and you can see an opportunity to overdo.

Some definitions of busyness: 
  • The state of being or appearing to be actively engaged in an activity.
  • Cluttered with details to the point of being distracted.
  • When you have a lot of tasks to do all at once. 
Here are some examples of what busy people say:
  • I'm sorry I haven't called. I've been so busy.
  • I have enough work to keep me busy for a while.
  • My week has been so busy!
  • I am a very busy person!

DAY 6: Stop the glorification of busy (hand lettering by Kelly Cummings)  REALLY LIKE THIS!

One day I was sitting in my office and the building custodian came in to empty the trash. He asked me how I was doing. Normally I would respond with a positive remark but that day was one of those overwhelming days. I'm not sure what response I gave but immediately Ray said, "You are active, productive, and highly effective!" Well, that comment resonated in my spirit and I began to not feel so rushed and hurried.

It is amazing how those seven little words changed not only my day but my outlook on life. When I have the tendency to get caught up in busyness, I remind myself of that statement that Ray spoke to me that day many years ago. I realize that I can't deny that I have some days that are fuller than others but I can change my attitude. I can believe that instead of just being busy I can say that in the middle of what I am doing I can be active, productive, and highly effective.

How much life do you have time for? This is to all the people who always say the "Are so busy" Stop and smell some flowers



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