A typewriter lady in a computer world

I was very happy listening to the clicking of my typewriter in some of the jobs I had. But the day came when my typewriter was replaced with my first computer. I found that computer very intimidating and wasn't sure I wanted to learn how to use it.
My husband and I worked together and he was excited about his first computer and took some classes to learn how to use it. I have to admit I dragged my feet when it came to learning how to use this machine.
The day came when I knew the computer was not going to go away and I needed to accept it and not let it intimidate me. It is strange that I have never been intimidated by a person but sit me down in front of a computer that isn't working correctly and I can get intimidated real quick. I tell myself this is an inanimate object and I can conquer it.
My computer was getting old and slowing down. I was told it needed a new ram and then I had an alert come up on the screen that it had a hard drive flaw. I was just going to ignore it during the holidays and deal with it in January.
Two weeks before Christmas my grandson had me open my Christmas present early and low and behold he had bought me a new computer!!
We had a couple computer savvy people retrieve all my files that were on the old computer. I was not too good about cleaning up my files and had 30,000 or more pictures on the old computer. Thankfully all my material was saved and secure thanks to Carbonite!
My precious daughter Shana always helped me when I had computer issues so she set up all my apps, security, etc etc. and put it in a format that looked familiar to this "typewriter lady who lives in the computer world."

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