My Journey as a Blogger
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When my daughter Lisa started a blog she told me I should start one and she would set it up for me and be my tutor. I had read hers and really enjoyed it but then again she is my daughter! I told her I would think about it and when and if I could think of a name for a blog I might try it. Several months went by and one day I thought that most of my life was every day and how I wanted every day to count and that our life experiences can provide us with wonderful lessons. So I told Lisa I have a name for my blog, "Most of Life is
Every day" and that is what I will blog about. She said with thirty years in ministry and double that time on planet earth I had a lot of things in my life that I could share.
So the journey into the world of blogging began about one year ago. I am a goal-oriented person so I set a realistic goal of one blog a week. I know many people do one daily but I knew that wouldn't work for me. I received this beautiful green leather journal for Christmas last year and that became my idea book for blogs. I have also added a section on quotes, photo or image ideas, and life stories.
My first blog was titled "A Kodak Moment" and I labored over that one. I was a little apprehensive about posting a story about my life or experiences knowing people from all over the world could view it. I think what really helped me overcome that thought was letting my blog just be both a ministry tool and also a time to share with others that we don't want to just waste our life away waiting for those big moments of a trip, vacation, or other things. I want those who read my blog to enjoy each and every day and believe they are impacting other people in their world.
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So a year has gone by and I know many people view my blog but they are not all steady followers. Many people have left comments but the majority have not. My top followers are people from the U.S., secondly Russians, thirdly the United Kingdom, fourthly Germany. But there have also been people from almost 30 other countries that have found my blog. I would love if more people became official followers and more people made comments but that is not what is important. I believe blogging has helped me use the teaching gift that God put in my life to bring encouragement and bring hope to many people I will never meet face to face.
So I want to thank all of you that have read one of my blogs or all 52 of them! I have found it fulfilling and will "Keep Calm and Blog on!"
Love it! Can't believe it's been a year!