It is Time to Draw a Line in the Sand

What it means to draw a line in the sand:
  •  It means to set a limit, allow to go up to a point but no further. 
  • It is to say that a particular idea or activity will not be supported or accepted.  

When my husband and I had a born again experience in our mid-twenties and asked Jesus into our hearts and lives we had to make some hard decisions.  Most of our family members and friends were not Christians and didn't understand what was going on in our lives.

We had to make a decision that if we were going to live for Christ we couldn't always please people and we wouldn't bow down to peer and family pressure. We decided that Joshua 24:15 would be the scripture that would guide our lives, "choose you this day who you will serve --- as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

There were times our daughters would come home from school or an outing and ask if they could do a certain thing or go to a certain place. At times we had to say no. They would say back to us, "but everyone is doing it." We would reply back, "not everyone is doing it because in this house we don't do or go there."

There are things that are happening in our family, workplace, city, state, and nation that we don't agree with. Each of us has to draw a line in the sand in regard to our beliefs and not waver or become double-minded.

This plaque has been in our home and spoken many times when making decisions for our family. We set our boundaries by this scripture and it has served us well over the last 40+ years.



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