How to Soar Above the Storms of Life Part 1
We would all love for life to never bring storms into our lives but that is not likely to happen. Just as there are natural storms we will also experience them in our personal life.
We also have some great wall decor on the eagle theme:
Storms come unexpectedly and we need to know how to prepare for them. These scriptures tell us how the eagle manages the storms.
The eagle has been revered and esteemed for thousands of years:
1. For its grandeur and grace in flight.
2. For it's "royal" pose, head sitting regally between the shoulders formed by its folded wings.
3. It's a great size and awesome power.
4. Look of decisiveness.
Facts about eagles:
1. The eagle was the official symbol of the Romans, Charlemagne, and Napoleon and today it is the dominant figure of the official seal of the United States.
2. An eagle can carry equal it's own weight (12-13 lbs)
3. It can see up to 50 miles away and has binocular vision.

4. Fearless of storms.
5. Mate for life.
6. Flying ability up to 100-200 miles an hour.
7. Soars to great heights, up to 25,000 to 30,000 feet.
How the eagle differs from other animals in regard to a storm:

Most animals by nature have the ability to sense the coming of a storm by smell or by sight. Instinctively they will search for shelter, rabbits to their burrows, bees to their hives and deer to the place of rest. However the eagle, because of his binocular vision, has the ability to see the storm approaching from a great distance. Yet he does not seek cover like the other wildlife. He sits on the side of his nest and awaits the storm. From his lofty perch, he sees the other animals running for shelter, yet he is unafraid of the storm although he has no power to stop the storm from approaching. Soon the high winds that accompany the storm begin to blow around the eagle, yet he is still unafraid..........
I will post part 2 of this blog next week and hope you will be joining me and see how to stay spiritually airborne in the midst of a storm.
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