Effective Communication

We all talk every day. Women speak about 20,000 words a day and men speak about 7,000 words a day. I am a talker and definitely use all of my words each day! I have had to learn that you can't reel back in words you have spoken so it is so important to learn how to effectively communicate with others.

There is a difference between talking and communicating.
Researchers indicate that effective communication is 7% verbal, 38% tone of voice, and 55% non-verbal (body language). 
When it comes to verbal communication it is often said, "It's not what you said that upset me but it is how you said it." If there is any hint of judgemental or superior attitude it will immediately jeopardize the verbal message, however true the message may be. 

Non-verbal can be negative body language such as: looking at your watch, looking at others, or looking away, sighing, coughing, rolling eyes, sneering, distracted, tap a pencil or fingers, or move from one foot to another. I think if we are honest with ourselves we know that we have all done some of these.

Another aspect of communication is asking yourself five important questions before you speak.



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