Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and many of us look at this holiday as a day of being thankful for family, health, employment, friends and the list goes on. 

I have celebrated Thanksgiving dinners for many years and each one has some wonderful memories. Throughout the years we have hosted many of them. We have invited not only family members but often a recent widow or widower, a single mom, and her children, a college student that can't get home for the holiday, a new resident to our city, a coworker, a senior citizen, and many others. Sometime during the day we discuss being thankful and encourage others to tell what they are thankful for.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we would take our thankfulness into every day of the year! 

There are so many benefits of being a grateful person:
  • Opens the door to more friendships
  •  Improves your health
  •  Increases happiness
  •  Reduces depression
  •  Helps you sleep better 
  •  Improves your self-esteem


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