My daughter Shana has a birthday this month and her name means "God's gracious gift." She has definitely lived up to the meaning of her name as she is truly a gift from God.
Shana was a sweet-natured little girl |
Shana and Lisa were 15 months apart in age |
She was an easy child to raise, very compliant, and one of those children who could color, look at books, and play quietly. She loved playing with her baby dolls and had names for all of them. She was also very tenderhearted and always wanted us to tend to wounded birds or stray cats. She also loved school and did great in all her subjects.
Shana was a cutie patootie! |
She loved books and I would read to her when she was little and one day when she was four years old I was reading her a Bible story and she said she wanted to ask Jesus into her heart. I prayed with her and led her in a simple prayer of salvation.
Shana and her sister Lisa, who was 15 months younger, were best of buddies. When they were in elementary school we thought they might like separate bedrooms and began to decorate each room according to the girl's likes. Well, it didn't last long as they decided they wanted to sleep in the same room so they could talk to each other when they went to bed and the other room could be the playroom.
Sweet sister! |
I did dress them alike quite often. |
Their haircut was the Dorothy Hamill look! |
We moved to four different states when the girls were in grade school but each move Shana would always find new friends and seemed to adjust to her new environment. The only time I ever received a call from the school office was when she was in grade school and it was her first time to ride the bus home. She got out of class late and the bus was pulling out. She began to run after the bus and the teacher called her back and said she couldn't do that again. It became a family joke for a while.
Junior high and high school were fun years for her as we had settled down in Oklahoma. She was involved in school and church youth group worked in the church nursery and later had a part-time job at a grocery store. She had a few young men that she dated and attended her proms.
Love those beautiful dimples!
Shana's senior picture |
When she graduated from high school she went to junior college and met the man of her dreams. I remember well the day she brought him home to meet us. We had a peace about her choice of her future husband. Matt had a gentle spirit and was well suited for our daughter. They just celebrated their 20th anniversary.
Matt & Shana's wedding day!! |
Shana is a wife and mother to three boys, Brooks is 19, Jansen is 12, and Owen is 3. And she actually had them that spread apart on purpose! She said she wanted the individual time with each child. She is a devoted mother and wife. They are raising the boys with godly character and principles.
Shana and my wonderful son-in-law! |
Brooks, Shana, Matt, Owen, and Jansen |
Shana is gifted in so many areas of her life. She is a home school mom, tutors, is the office manager for their business Dow Renovations, has amazing computer skills, she loves to read and could easily become a writer but her days are pretty full right now. She is a wise money manager and knows how to shop bargains. She cooks homemade meals every night and they all eat together as a family at the dining room table. She knits scarves and has given them as gifts to many people. She has the ability to say no when asked to do something that she doesn't have time for. (That is something I am still working on!) She finds time to spend with her parents which makes me happy!
My husband and I spoke God's word over our daughters and learned to not confess the terrible twos and we never had them. We also never confessed the rebellious teen years and we never had those either. I have so enjoyed being Shana's mother and continue to nurture our relationship and friendship. Thank you Shana for being my daughter!
Me and my wonderful daughter Shana Lynn! |
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