What in the World is Classical Conversations?

Three years ago my daughters told me they were embarking on a new form of education for their children called Classical Conversations. I didn't know anything about it and so they began to give me an overview.

At first I was very taken back as when it came to education I went to public school K-12. My daughters went to public school until 6th and 7th grade and that is when we switched them over to a Christian school where they graduated.  One of our daughters went to Bible School and junior college and the other daughter got her BS from Oral Roberts University. So I thought my grandchildren would follow in the tradition of Christian school which they did until my daughters made the decision to go this new route with their education. 

I have had three years to observe and I have to say I am really impressed with the quality of education they are receiving. Also they are being taught character and spiritual qualities as well as academics.

They just had their closing ceremony for the Classical Conversations community and three of my grandchildren participated. One class recited all 44 presidents and I couldn't even do that! Another class recited John 1:1-7 in English and Latin. I definitely couldn't recite that in Latin! One class recited all the states and capitals. They had a jeopardy game with the English tutor - boys against girls.  My husband said they lost him in diagramming a sentence.

Another part of the learning program is called memory masters where the children and parents can memorize 500+ pieces of information. Here are what they had to memorize:
  • 150+ point timeline.
  • 24 history sentences.
  • U.S. States and Capitols.
  • Multiplication tables 2's - 15's.
  • Math laws.
  • English grammar facts.
  • John 1:1-7 in English and Latin.
  • 44 Presidents.
  • 24 science facts.
I told my daughters I am so glad I don't have to attend CC but I am glad my grandchildren are getting this wonderful education.

If you or someone you know would like more information on Classical Conversation here is a link to my daughter's blog. 


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